Review: Spring King at The Loft, Southampton


A band with lively stage presence, catchy indie-rock songs and doting fans proved for a thoroughly enjoyable show.

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Spring King, the edgy post-punk group, are certainly no strangers to touring and nor are they strangers to Southampton having previously played at the Engine Rooms. This time, however, 2018 saw the band perform at a different but equally alternative venue, The Loft.

Opening with an alternative, indie band Calva Louise, the trio’s grunge-pop element sparked interesting melodies in their songs, complemented by frontwoman Jess’ wicked guitar solos. Although not a fully formed crowd, those already there enjoyed an array of new material. Songs such as ‘Getting Closer’ and ‘I’m Gonna Do Well’ are definitely worth a listen. Fizzy Blood soon followed as the second support act, jumping straight in with ‘Summer of Luv’, the boys displayed a more of a punk element to their music with lyrics of rebellion and negativity.

By the time Spring King approached the stage the room was filled with by an eagerly anticipating packed crowd. Going straight into ‘Detroit’, the energy in the room was insane. About three seconds into the first song there was already a mosh pit in full swing and the possibility of crowd surfing for a member of the audience’s birthday. What became immensely clear during the first song too is that these boys are comfortable performing together. With lead vocalist, Tarek Musa, also situated behind the drums the running and jumping around on stage was left for the responsibility of Pete and James. Both headed in front of the drums to perform a small solo, much to the great appreciation from the crowd who were very much ‘shirts-off’ involved in the music. In amongst all the fun and moshing, it was really lovely in between songs to hear James remind the crowd to “pick up people if they fall down and keep drinking lots of water” – what a darling.

After encouraging a small rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’, the boys played a few new songs. Hinting at a possible album release for 2018, Tarek shouted it was “time for something new”. Although the new material was met with great support from the crowd, popular songs played from their album like ‘Rectifier’ and ‘City’ were appreciated by some very intensely dedicated fans at the front and lots of screaming girls on shoulders – it is obvious to deduce the band have a clear following. These fans are the real deal and the energy they provided illuminated Spring King even more into a frenzy of good vibes, good music and an all-around fantastic show. Another brilliant band that the North has produced, I’m beyond excited to see where these boys will be in a few years time.

Spring King is touring in the UK until May 5th, to check out individual dates click here.


About Author

A third year English student, Radio DJ on Surge and an attempting explorer of the world. Big fan of dogs, any kind, especially puppies.

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