Browsing: Culture

Why Alice Oseman’s Nick and Charlie are Becoming Classic Literary Lovers
Grace Challinor explores Heartstopper’s Nick and Charlie as 21st century literary lovers.

SUSU Theatre Group’s All My Sons at The Annex Theatre
Read Alex Tsherit’s stellar review of SUSU Theatre Group’s All My Sons.

Quotes That Summarise an Entire Story
Grace Challinor explores how certain quotes can encapsulate the entire feel of a novel.

In criticism of The X Factor
After 15 years of “gracing” our screens, Rihanna Saglani, shares her problems with the show that was once a staple of British culture.

Review: Showstoppers’ Beauty and the Beast @ The Annex Theatre
Showstoppers kick start their year with their ‘Fresher’s Show’ – a cast full of those…

Author in Focus: Rick Yancey and ‘The Fifth Wave’ Series
Hannah Billingsley-Dadd zooms in on what makes Rick Yancey’s literary series so captivating.

Perfect Christmas Read: Shari Low’s ‘One Christmas Eve’
Grace Challinor writes about her favourite winter read.

Reality TV- Is it Just Fiction With More Emotion?
Radu Sega questions what makes reality tv ‘real’ (or not so real).

Book Review: Cinematic Universe – A Celebration of DC at the Movies
Editor in Chief, Rosie reviews the latest celebration of DC.

Is ‘The Supernatural’ Still Relevant in Contemporary Fiction?
Grace Challinor thinks about the theme of the supernatural in modern literature.

Review- The Marriage of Figaro
“How things come to light in the dark!” The University of Southampton’s Theatre Group has put…

Big Brother UK 2024- My interview with Martha!
Editor in Chief lives her best life interviewing Martha from this year Big Brother UK

Why Do We Love ‘Cosy Gaming’?
Gracie Brown discusses why ‘cosy games’ are so attractive to us.

A Book I Couldn’t Put Down: Emma Rae’s ‘Love Game’
Grace Challinor explains why Emma Rae’s ‘Love Game’ kept her so hooked.