Nostalgic News: Ash vs the Evil Dead debuted 5 years ago


Based on the proper cult classic Evil Dead franchise, Ash vs Evil Dead is almost as ridiculous as the elders it is trying to honour and, with that, comes a whole host of hilarious and cringe-worthy horror scenarios. After its release five years ago, the television series has many fans despite it being sadly cancelled before its fourth series.

Following the story of our unlikely and frankly imbecilic hero, Ash (Bruce Campbell), who essentially begins the process of dooming humanity by sacrificing life to demonic consumption and possession. Unlike the original films, Ash doesn’t entirely work alone, with innocent, but determined Pablo (Ray Santiago) and troubled, rock n roll chick Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo). Their banterous and absurd adventures bring joy to all who watch and are sure to include the same amount of gore that is expected from an 80’s slasher.

What is special about this series is it doesn’t ignore the insane choices made in the 80’s films, including the infamous chainsaw hand and that Ash was sent back in time due to a technicality where he became the prophet who would defeat all evil. The logistics of the originals were insane and definitely wouldn’t have been passable nowadays with the urge for stringent and explained plots. However, this resurrection is something very special, especially with having the same actor playing the titular character so many years later. It is an ode to something special from the past and makes a topical and presently funny television series.


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A philosophy student with a penchant for uncertain puns

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