Liana Flores releases debut album Flower of the Soul!


Liana Flores’ debut album Flower of the Soul makes a welcome addition to my “Time to Chill” Spotify playlist.

As an art teacher, I’m always on the lookout for gentle melodic music to play to my students. As a student, I search for easy listening to help me focus. Liana’s dulcet tones create a dream-like atmosphere providing the perfect opportunity to escape from the day’s stress. Equally, you can just as easily fall asleep as you could fall in love. It’s giving a romantic date night at a boogie restaurant or a moonlit stroll along the streets of Paris. Whatever calm happiness looks like to you- imagine this encapsulated in an album.

The vibes remain the same throughout the tracklist with an air of soft jazz. Liana’s floating vocals are accompanied by drifting guitar melodies and pianoforte with notes of ’60s Brazilian pop. It’s like a breath of fresh air in a field of wildflowers- minus the hay fever!

Simply put, it is sunshine in music form.


  • Hello Again
  • Orange-Coloured Day
  • Nightvisions
  • Crystalline
  • Now and then
  • Halfway Heart
  • When the Sun
  • I Wish for the Rain
  • Cuckoo
  • Butterflies feat Tim Bernardes
  • Slowly

Flower of the Soul, the debut album by Liana Flores, is out now!


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The Edge Editor in Chief 2024/25

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