Review: seed. @ Turner Sims, Southampton, 01/10/21
Oliver Picken makes his Edge debut with a comprehensive review of seed.’s recent performance in Southampton.
Oliver Picken makes his Edge debut with a comprehensive review of seed.’s recent performance in Southampton.
Sacconi Quartet are performing at Turner Sims on Highfield Campus as part of the Summer Nights concert series which begins this week.
In a busy week for local news, celebrating seems rife as exciting opportunities make their way onto everyone’s doorsteps.
Voyages of the Heart is inspired by the stories of Southampton’s migrant communities and is composed by Tunde Jegede.
The Jazz South programme will benefit both talented young artists and experienced professionals.
Magnus Öström, former drummer of the Esböjrn Svensson Trio, presented his last solo album, Parachute, at Turner Sims late last month (27/01/2017).
Alfredo Peña reviews Music on the Mind at Southampton’s Turner Sims.
Harley James Mitford reviews the one-night-only Turner Sims exclusive: Roger Vignoles, Elizabeth Watts and Roderick Williams’ sensitive rendition of Wolf’s rarely performed Italian Songbook (24/11/16).
To a homey audience of basically family and friends, Jazzmanix performed this Saturday their classic Winter concert, singing pop and gospel tunes, the trademarks of the society (19/11/16).
The Cookers showed to the Turner Sims what it means to be legend, thanks to a thrilling and impressive performance (10/11/16).
Manchester Jazz trio GoGo Penguin, with Chis Illingsworth on piano, Nick Blacka on bass and Rob Turner on drums, will perform songs from their 2016 record, ‘Man Made Object’
Sean Foran played to a respectful audience the tender and subtle songs of his last album, Frame of Reference, among other unreleased themes (09/10/16).