The Death of the Gaming Patriarchy? Tackling Sexism in the Video Game Industry
Is the video game industry still a male-dominated market? Jack examines the ways in which video game representation should become more inclusive.
Is the video game industry still a male-dominated market? Jack examines the ways in which video game representation should become more inclusive.
It’s time to start investing in a Nintendo Switch – Generation 8 of Pokémon is here!
‘The whole thing is a bit of a mess.’ Jack Nash reviews the post-apocalyptic follow-up to Far Cry 5.
Jack Nash downloads the Apex Legends; a title with the power to take down the gaming titan that is Fortnite.
Louise Chase feels determined as she recounts her love for the 2015 indie title Undertale.
“Someone please, please pull me away from this game.” – Tom Brewster, 2019, on Rimworld.
Jack Nash travels back to the Peloponnesian war in arguably the best Assassin’s Creed yet.
Spyro the Dragon is back, but does he live up to the hype? Travis checks it out.
Jack Nash summarises the previews from The Game Awards 2018
Records Exec Tom slip ‘n’ slides his way through his top picks for video gaming’s infamous snow levels.
Tom Brewster reflects on the hideous amount of time he has spent getting a little silver bug-thing to bounce in time to music.
With the centenary of the end of WW1 upon us, Louise tells us why we should seek out Ubisoft’s ‘Valiant Hearts’ game.
In the first entry of ‘Save Room’, Tom tells us about his love for Dragon Quest XI – and Sylvando.
Culture Editor Ellis counts off the last month’s spookiest releases.