20 Years Later and the Women Are Still Loose: Why I Love ITV’s Loose Women


For me, there is nothing better than sitting down with a cup of tea before lunch and switching to ITV at 12.30, ready to watch Loose Women. Often, daytime TV is overlooked which is fair enough considering it (obviously) isn’t broadcast at prime-time when most people are in and sat in front of the TV, but I think they are a section of TV viewing that is a hidden gem!

In a world in which women are still fighting for their place without backlash, I love that there is (at least) one place where the issues facing women are spotlit and debated over and everyone’s experiences are shared in the open. Not only that, but the women we watch are intelligent and successful in their own right and make no excuse for it. In that regard, surely women can only celebrate this and be inspired by such strong, determined, and motivated people to take those values on board.

As people, I enjoy to watch them and I enjoy their work outside of the show which draws me towards watching it, even if it is just for my favourite panellists. However, the content with which they fill their shows is also a massive part of why I watch. I find myself being educated and entertained in equal regard by the various topics that they tackle throughout the week, especially ones that hit home a little more than the others. In discussing whatever they do openly and candidly, where more controversial opinions are still given space to breathe, there is a chance for your thinking to change as you learn more than you had previously thought about current debates taking society’s fancy.

What has the biggest impact on me however, is their conversations around body image, fertility, and various issues women face but never speak about. This isn’t because I’m a mother or trying to get pregnant or even thinking about it, but it is soothing to know that so many others share those same struggles that you did and that you thought were unique to you. In this way, the human experience is bought to the fore and shared, often with a supportive arm around you that lets you know you are not, and probably will never, be alone…

I enjoy learning about other women and what they have had to face and overcome, partially because like many it’s nice to have a nose in, but also because it helps and when, if, you find yourself in that situation you have something to fall back on and know that you’re okay. There is a persistent feeling, felt many many across the world, that women shouldn’t complain and therefore women tend not to speak openly or often enough about, yes quite important issues, but just about light-hearted and trivial subjects; Loose Women is a space for all of them to happen. By engaging in it, either by watching from the comfort of your home, on social media, or being there in the audience, we are allowed to partake in the conversation and are allowed to talk and share in experiences, which many times has worked as a catalyst for starting those conversations in the real world and with our ‘real-life’ friends.

Loose Women creates a space and has maintained that space for over two decades, where women can just talk, share, and entertain and I think as a show it is more than just something to watch. It is a safe space. No topic is off-limits and even the most shocking or taboo subjects are given enough room to be heard, therefore starting quite difficult and un-approached conversations. No longer should we think of it as a show for women in the over 40s but rather something for everyone, regardless of age, gender, and personal experience. That is why I absolutely love, and will probably always love, watching Loose Women.


About Author

Third year English and Film student. Dog obsessed, tea drinking, and rewatching anything I can to pass the time.

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