Nostalgic News: Jack Garratt’s ‘Phase’ was released 5 years ago


Jack Garratt is an Edge favourite, and the reason for this becomes clear when listening to his debut album Phase, released in 2016. Reaching number 3 in the UK Albums Chart upon release, Phase is an album filled with memorable and emotive tunes.

Consisting of 12 songs, each has something different to offer. Opening with dance hit ‘Coalesce (Synesthesia Pt. II)’, Garratt demonstrates his powerful vocals and his ability to create an ultimate dance-worthy tune. However, despite the stronger opener, it is singles like ‘Breathe Life’ and ‘Worry’ which are most memorable and are the reasons why Garratt is where he is today. If you have not heard of Garratt, you would have likely heard the song ‘Worry’, which was released in December 2015.

Closing track ‘My House Is Your Home’ is one of the best of Garratt’s. His newest release Love, Death & Dancing (2020) presents influence from this particular track, which is his slowest, most emotive song to date. An untypical, but nonetheless beautiful, love song, ‘My House Is Your Home’ sums up the beauty of Phase, and why it is as popular as it is.

Phase is available to listen to via Island Records. Listen to ‘Worry’ below: 


About Author

Live Editor 2019/20 & third year English student. Probably watching Gilmore Girls

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