Review: Sports Team – Happy (God’s Own Country)


Sports Team's latest track blends advice and cult behaviour to create a punk rock gem.

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London rockers Sports Team couldn’t be any more Franz Ferdinand with their latest release, making it one of their strongest tracks to date. ‘Happy (God’s Own Country)’ is a captivating whirlwind of alternative punk rock, drawing you straight into the song with minimalist lyrics that pack a punch.

Short guitar notes that emphasise the effect of Alex Rice’s almost spoken-word vocals weave into the instrumentals as the tune moves like clockwork through its short 2 and a half minute long runtime. I wish we could have more of the track, but that’s what really makes Sports Team’s works so effective – they leave you shocked and wanting more. ‘Happy (God’s Own Country)’ repeats the well-known advice of “do what I say, not what I do”, yet manages to illicit an opposing response, making you think you should definitely do what Rice says.

The music video has to be mentioned alongside the track, as we witness the band live through a Wicker Man-inspired cultish ritual that ends the same way the film does. It should make the tune make a bit more sense, but it actually becomes even more wonderfully confusing and wacky.

It’s not a classic summer barbeque tune, however, I can imagine myself blasting this through my speaker on a sunny day when I feel like punk rock is the only way to match the mood.

‘Happy (God’s Own Country)’ is available to listen to now via Big Desert Records. 


About Author

film masters student and ex-records/live exec 20/21

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