Classic Summer Tunes: Declan McKenna – Brazil (2015)


Since his debut in 2015, Declan McKenna has been providing us with charmingly catchy pop tunes blended with political and thought-provoking lyrics. 

McKenna’s first big hit, ‘Brazil’, was produced in response to the corruption controversy surrounding 2014 World Cup officials and the dismal display of poverty in the area – a very mature topic for a songwriter aged 16! Using a quick tempo of 121 BPM, the song feels very bright and breezy, making it a very catchy song to play while you’re driving to the beach with your besties because it really feels like a summer classic! ‘Brazil’ is also a very popular song for summer festivals with its danceability, and even won McKenna the top prize at Glastonbury’s Emerging Talent competition! 

Composed as a GCSE project, McKenna already had the catchy guitar riff and summery melody sorted, all he needed was some lyrics, and boy did he excel in that department! In one of the snappiest protest songs I’ve ever heard, McKenna references George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, calls out the sunny lifestyle of hypocritical entrepreneurs in the catchiest chorus ever, and reflects on the satirical nature of ‘the beautiful game’. McKenna loves a voice insert, and ‘Brazil’ is no exemption to this trend. Pitching up his producer’s voice, we hear the words “and that was my triple collateral free for all” at the end, suggesting McKenna took a swipe at football, the rich, and the government who overlook poverty and desolation. 

If you’re looking to be a bit rebellious in summer whilst sticking to your indie/pop roots, ‘Brazil’ is the track to play!



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Editor in Chief 22/23 & Fundraising, Events, and Publicity Officer 21/22, and occasional Deputy Editor :)

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