Review: Jessica Jones (Season 3, Episode 1)
Outgoing Culture Editor Ellis reviews as the Marvel Netflix shows come to an end.
Outgoing Culture Editor Ellis reviews as the Marvel Netflix shows come to an end.
Was The Grad Ball really so Great?
Long live the King. Ellis reviews the newest Monsterverse installment.
The game will release November 8th this year!
The Edge writers roll out their sunbeds and list off their favourite beach episodes!
With one episode left to go, The Edge writers pitch in with their predictions for Westeros’ ruler.
Ellis takes a look back at Coldplay’s haunting sixth album.
Ellis reviews the calm after the storm on Game of Thrones.
Ellis reviews the Comedy Society’s newest original piece of theatre.
Culture Editor Ellis claws his way out from the dirt to review the new horror remake.
Culture Editor Ellis reviews the Student Film Festival 2019.
Ellis Murrell reviews the Irish singer-songwriter’s sophomore LP.
Ellis tackles the problems lying at the heart of the newest Marvel blockbuster.
Culture Editor Ellis shines a light on Australian director Jennifer Kent’s magnificently-horrifying debut.