My Favourite Book Cover: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


Dragons and book covers are like cheese and crackers. From The Hobbit to How to Train Your Dragon, these scaly beasts have adorned the front of fantasy novels for decades. When book covers are mentioned, it is impossible for the original artwork on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire not to be conjured up.

Using the first Triwizard Tournament task for inspiration, the still shows the slender frame of the satanic Hungarian Horntail (“what’s that boy?”) sending a gobful of flame towards Harry who, creating a tidy right angle between the fire and his trajectory, is zooming into the foreground on his Firebolt with the golden egg, like the Snitch, just out of arm’s reach. It’s the mightiest of the Harry Potter covers when it comes to action and excitement; serving up the ‘fire’ from the title to match the deep red of the title section.

Furthermore, the cover’s fearsome aesthetic also has the sentimental value of being the largest book I had read at that point, and the immense width of JK Rowling’s novel seemed as daunting as a Triwizard task in and of itself. The book is also pretty great, too…


About Author

3rd Year History and Film student. Can be found praising Bond, defending Transformers and still saving up for the Lego Death Star.

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