Prior to their captivating and crowd pleasing performance at the Freshers’ Ball, I met up with the frequently unheard of Britain’s Got Talent finalists, Loveable Rogues. The quirky group provided me with a good opportunity for some quirky questions so amid a great deal of banter, the three charming chaps, Sonny, Eddie and Te gave me the low down on their tour, their lyrics and Simon Cowell’s big feet.
You’re coming to the end of your tour, what’s been your favorite university performance so far?
Sonny: I think they all have their good points.
Eddie: Yeah, like some have the nicest girls, some have the nicest crowds.
Sonny: For me, it was Keele and that was one of our first ones as well!
Eddie: But… Southampton is the best.
Te: Yeah, we love it here.
What is the ‘post-tour’ plan?
Eddie: Continuing the recording.
Sonny: And Christmas.
Te: Yeah, you gotta celebrate Christmas.
Out of 10, how excited are you for your single to be released next year?
Sonny: 10
Te: 10
Eddie: 11
In ‘Love Sick’ why do the lyrics go ‘I was crumbled like apple pie, and not any other type of pie’?
Eddie: The thing with lyrics is, you’ve got to try and stick to what people know. You know on that catchphrase game, family fortunes, and they say “What’s your favourite pie?”
Te: The answer wouldn’t be Rosemary pie
Sonny: Everybody likes apple pie.
You then go on to sing about pork pies, is there a reason for the re-occurring pie theme in this song?
(A lot of laughter from all three)
Eddie: I must have been hungry at the time!
Eddie, do you write all the lyrics then?
Eddie: No, we share it, there’s not a set formula. If we come to a disagreement then we…
Sonny: We compromise.
What are your all time favorite songs?
Eddie: Celine Dion – It’s All Coming Back To Me Now
Sonny: Wham! – Last Christmas
Te: Seal – Kiss from a Rose. It’s a very beautiful song.
What would be your dream job if you couldn’t sing?
Eddie: Work in an ice cream van.
Sonny: I’d like to be a bad ass lawyer.
Te: I’d like to work in the jungle helping Orangutans.
If you could record a song with any other artist who would it be?
Eddie: Gary Barlow.
(At this point Sonny, yet again, bursts into hysterical laughter)
Sonny: Chase and Status
Te: Florence and the Machine
You tweeted the other day about some socks you bought Simon Cowell for his birthday. What were they like?
Eddie: They were like, the days of the week socks, because he’s such a busy guy that he must not know what day of the week it is, but if he wears the socks he can just look down.
Sonny: To be honest, I don’t think he even puts his own socks on.
Eddie: Also he has very big feet, he has size 12 feet and he has to get his shoes especially made by a little man in Italy.
I’ve read in several places that you are trying to ‘create a new style of music which isn’t defined by a specific genre.’ If you could give a name to this new style / genre of music, what would it be?
Eddie: Grindie
Te: It’s not Grindie at all!
Sonny: Polk, like Pop – Folk
I was thinking of something more original?
Te: Let’s call it K’Jam!
Eddie: Space – Influx
Te: Yeah that’d be nice
Sonny: Or… Pfrebebb! Spell it how you like.
As if feeling the need to prove their charm, the wonderful boys finished the interview by trying to give me their large bottle of gin. Keep up to date with the Loveable Rogues on