First Game of Thrones photo of season 8 revealed


Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow are in the first photo reveal of season 8’s Game of Thrones on an Entertainment Weekly cover. The final season has a lot of speculation and hype behind it already – the show’s biggest battle ever and the storyline are still being teased.

Additionally, last month it was revealed that Conan O’Brien was going to do an interview with the entire cast, past and present.

Bryan Cogman, the co-executive producer has said: “It’s about all of these disparate characters coming together to face a common enemy, dealing with their own past, and defining the person they want to be in the face of certain death. It’s an incredibly emotional haunting bittersweet final season and I think it honours very much what [George R.R. Martin] set out to do – which is flipping his kind of story on its head.”

The cover shows Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington (Targaryen and Snow, respectively), embracing. There are six remaining episodes, set in Northern Ireland, and they are set to be released next year.

Click on the link below to watch some of the actors discussing the penultimate season: 


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A lazy and dramatic fourth year English student who also edits News in position of News Editor. Lover of tea, Netflix and reading all the books.

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