The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D was the perfect addition to any childhood sleepover. Released in 2005, this childhood classic is somehow now 15 years old, but remains one of the wackiest, most unforgettable films for many of us.
Not only does this blockbuster have a creative plot, it also features many actors who you probably never realised featured in this adventure, from Taylor Lautner (Sharkboy), to Sasha Pierce (Marissa). Sharkboy and Lavagirl is one of those childhood memories that you’ll probably look back on and think, am I remembering this right? And yes, you are. It really was a singing dreamland, where a random school boy gets taken by a girl who’s at one with lava, and a boy who grew up with sharks, and of course the banana boat float. I hope ‘Dream Dream Dream Dream’ is now stuck in your head too as you reminisce.
Watch the trailer below: