Nostalgic Lookback: Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (2007)


This movie was seminal to my childhood and hearing the soundtrack today still brings tears to my eyes. Released in 2007 by Zach Helm and starring Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman and Jason Bateman, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium is a beautiful children’s movie that features a magical toy store run by 243-year-old Mr Magorium (Hoffman) and his team of misfits. This film is filled to the brim with childlike wonder and joy as a young hat collector with only the store’s workers for friends, a cynical accountant who doesn’t believe in magic, a magical toymaker with a penchant for shoes and a musical manager who learn to trust and believe in their imaginations.

Despite being a children’s film, it speaks to the human and somewhat adult fear of mortality as the group grapple with the fact that their hero, mentor, and boss will be leaving them. Before he does he intends to impart all of his carefully curated wisdom about joy, life and toys to leave the world and his found family a better place. Despite its outstanding performances, a beautifully composed soundtrack and a hauntingly beautiful story of love and loss, I rarely hear people talk about this beloved children’s classic, and its wistful optimism and magical setting lend it to the ilk of dreamland leaving many to question if they had simply made it up! Thankfully this film is very much real and a joy for all ages although be warned… it may make you cry.


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