Review: Marmozets at the Engine Rooms, Southampton
The Yorkshire power-punk quintet came to the Engine Rooms with a vengeance to kick the February chill in the teeth. Except, y’know, they did it with love! (03/02/2018).
The Yorkshire power-punk quintet came to the Engine Rooms with a vengeance to kick the February chill in the teeth. Except, y’know, they did it with love! (03/02/2018).
Not only did we chat about their ongoing tour and upcoming album, but there was also some solid Muse, Stranger Things, and Abba fangirling.
Writer Jed Wareham reviews the Marmozets’ first Bournemouth gig that raised the roof of the Old Fire Station.
Marmozets are coming to the UK for a very brief tour at the end of October.