Review: HMLTD at Heartbreakers, Southampton


HMLTD put on a stunning and tenacious show in Southampton, which left the Heartbreakers crowd in admiration.

  • 10

HMLTD are a band which hold an unpredictable assortment of singles and are still yet to release an album. They have a unique sound by mixing an abundance of genres whilst still managing to entertain both rock and pop audiences. I had the privilege to witness their charm at Heartbreakers, a small yet popular venue in Southampton for up-and-coming artists.

As the gig started, HMLTD energetically entered the stage, fashionably sporting a variety of colourful outfits, all with headbands and hats. Henry Chisholm, the lead vocalist, wore a red hat and a matching jacket which he pulled off effortlessly. The band experienced as rocky start as Chisholm’s microphone didn’t work, so he cheerfully borrowed another band member’s as they quickly began to play. The crowd was enthusiastic as the band plummeted into their set and filled up this small venue with fierce artistry.

The song ‘Music!’ began with lights energetically flashing in greens and blues. It commenced with an intense drum beat which instantly sprung the crowd into action. An electric riff then began which sounded almost disjointed when mixed with the sinister lyrics that Chisholm was belting. He is an excellent front-man, and his magnetic charisma shines through as he sings. Although the sound of this song is a surprising one, the band make it work impressively. The crowd were excited by the song as almost everyone loyally sung along to each lyric.

The most recently released single by the band is ‘Loaded’, which is the first single they’ve released after signing to a new record label and it is the only song they’ve released this year (so far). The song opened with a guitar riff that sounded almost as if it was blues inspired, that then mellowed out into a rocky sound. Each member of the band fervently danced along to their music and they regularly engaged with the crowd. This song sounded even better live than in the single, as it seemed less produced and polished, which added to its gritty effect.

The band played a couple of new, exciting songs in the setlist including the track “West is Dead” which has a bluesy sound, demonstrating the band’s flexibility even more. The gig left me feeling excited to see what surprising and impressive things HMLTD are going to do next.

Check out the video below for a taste of what HMLTD have to offer, and keep in the loop with their shows and music releases here. 


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