EVENT: Q&A Announced with Imy Brighty-Potts


Tomorrow evening (March (27th) at 5 pm, join FEP officer Georgie Holmes as she interviews Imy Brighty-Potts about all things journalism, freelancing and that delicate battle of balancing working while doing a Masters.

Imy Brighty-Potts, former University of Southampton student and founder of Hysteria Collective, is sitting down with Georgie Holmes to answer all the bubbling questions you have about the world of journalism. The event hosted online via Facebook Live and accessible by clicking here, promises to be an insightful dive as well as a chance to get to know Imy’s successes while providing tips and insights for those considering a similar career path.

So join us to find out about a fulfilling career as well as learning the successes of self-established journalist and freelancer.

Check out Hysteria Collective by clicking here.


About Author

Previous News Editor (20-21), previous Editor-In-Chief (21-22), and now the Deputy Editor & Culture PR duo extravaganze, I'm just someone trying to make their way through the world of journalism... (trying being the keyword here).

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