A Celebrated, Quiet End; A Review of Meg Myers’ ‘I’d Like 2 Go Home Now’ (Part II)


As the second part of her two newly released EPs, Myers finally draws closure on this chapter of her life with raw lyricism and a whole lot of heart, cementing her as an upcoming force of indisputable talent.

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As the closing chapter for Meg Myers‘ progression, I’d Like 2 Go Home Now, feels exactly like the end of a story. With the first EP’s start with those synthy beats and chaotic energy to the slow progression of something much tamer, here we begin to see a fine balancing act that merges her artistry into its pinnacle moment. While it may lack the variation of the first EP, it more than makes up for it by continuing to offer us a depth to Myers’ music that many artists only wish they could achieve. It may fall short of perfection, but in its own beautiful way, that makes it so much more worthwhile as a journey.

Opening with ‘True Lies’ Myers gives us one of the most 80-centric sounds of the EP, as a roaring accompaniment of drums starts the track before the introduction of more mellowed instruments lures us in. Dealing with a recurring theme of lost love, ‘True Lies’ is all about the last one goodbye act of love, a hinting of holding onto something that’s no longer there. With lyrics like ‘our words are lost reality, there’s nothing left for us to be’, Myers encompasses a sense of longing beautifully. Although to some it may sound to stand at odds with heavy drums accompanying it, it’s part of Myers charm combining meaningful lyricism with the powerful accompaniment that harkens back to the 80’s days of Sinead O’Connor. As a song, it’s slowly elevating the energy brings us into the next track, ‘End Of The World’. Embracing more synthetic sounds and a dreamy aesthetic, the song’s title and opening lyrics ‘you make me wanna die’, pretty much tell you all you need to know about this tune. It’s a serious subject matter that gets caught up in themes and ideations of abuse, and the desire to stay with someone despite the pain they bring. That’s not to say the song advocates abusive relationships, but instead sees Myers caught in a sense of turmoil with a dangerous desire that sees her needing this love ’til the end the world’. While unsatiably acquainted with melancholy, the song does that nothing short of iconic Myers change where the verses builds-up to a raucous chorus that has Myers’ voice on sheer display with its breathy tones and disco energy that makes the song so darn infatuating. It creates a sense of exhilaration and makes what could be quite a plain song something so much more.

The format of this EP also mirrors that of the first, which begins to see the mid-song bring down the energy and offer us those more recognisable sad ballads. ‘Hurt’ is shrouded in a sense of mystery, and sees Myers assume the role of causing the rift in the love this time, and it almost takes a painful introspective reflection as its lyrics constantly allude to the fact Myers ”never wanted to fight this fight”. The song never expands past the horizons and identifies any one reason for ”this fight”, but its vague subject allows listeners to transpose their own reflection onto the song because it advocates a sense of regret. It’s an undeniably sad song, and one of the best of Myers’ career and it’s just another highlight of a great career. ‘Sweet Liar’ again picks up a theme of lies and duplicity carried over from ‘True Lies’, and thematically and lyrically they feel quite similar. However musically they vary quite differently, ‘Sweet Liar’ is lead by a repetitive riff on the guitar and some ambient noise that feels plucked from all the great science-fiction films from space. As the song goes on it gains a sense of grandeur, leading up to the final minute that snares into life with the addition of drums and a variety of vocal flares from Myers that really just drives home this song. Admittedly, the whole song doesn’t feel as accomplished as the rest because its sentiments begin to tire and its inescapable use of repetition hounds it at times, but by no means is it a skip. It’s a good song, surrounded by amazing songs.

The final song is ‘Last Laugh’ and can be seen as the closing point of this journey for Myers. Accompanied by nothing more than the piano, Myers voice and lyrics really are the centre stage here as the recognisable 80s sound drops away for something less iconic but perfect in its execution – and I mean perfect. It shows us that Myers can do much more than just her current Disco era, and hopefully provides us with a glimpse of the direction Myers may be taking in the coming years with a hopeful release of a 2021 album.

As the second EP, that finishes the Disco era of Myers, I was utterly breath-taken. A truly beautiful show of sentiments, emotion and finishing of a story, by the time I had written this review, I’ve easily listened to this EP more than 30 times. Myers is a strong contender in the world of music who deserves bigger praise and notoriety than she receives. While not as big here in the UK as she is in American, even there she deserves more fame that she currently receives. She is honestly one of the most original and exciting musicians currently working, and I hope she starts to receive the praise she has duly earned.

I’d Like to Go Home Now is available to listen to now via Sumerian Records. Check out ‘End of the World’ down below.



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Previous News Editor (20-21), previous Editor-In-Chief (21-22), and now the Deputy Editor & Culture PR duo extravaganze, I'm just someone trying to make their way through the world of journalism... (trying being the keyword here).

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