Local Live Acts To Keep An Eye On in 2019
Talent on the rise in Southampton in 2019
Talent on the rise in Southampton in 2019
Common People’s ‘Disco Day’ made possible the strangest interview ever, featuring The Cuban Brothers’ frontman and Sophie Jones.
At Common People, Maizie Williams chatted about forty plus years of Boney M.
Who needs a giant disco ball when The Jacksons and Boney M were there to bring all the boogie you could possibly blame?
Lily Allen, The Sherlocks, and… Elvana? We have the low-down on Common People’s first day.
Bestival’s “little sister” hosts a wide range of acts including Rick Astley and Dick and Dom in the coastal grounds of Lulworth Castle.
A giant disco ball? Check. An appearance from Peppa Pig? Check. Lots of gin? Check check check.
The festivals, including Southampton’s Common People, are also banning plastic straws immediately.
You can still get tickets to see Lily Allen on Saturday or to Disco jive with the Jacksons on Sunday.
Fancy rocking out at Common People? Why not enter this competition with your band for the chance to do so!
Lily Allen and James will headline Saturday’s events, whilst Sunday is topped off by The Jacksons.
The Festival are also offering a special promotion- kids go free if you buy your General Admission tickets before 2nd December!
Live Editor Carly-May Kavanagh chats to two members of Wild Front about all things festivals and hummus.
The timings for this year’s festival have been released.