Review: Dylan – No Romeo EP


The upbeat summer EP we all needed!

  • No romeo
  • live without it
  • somebody else
  • alone
  • YNHS
  • nineteen

One of the greatest products of the rise of TikTok during the pandemic is the increase of songwriters and artists to be able to promote their music and hack the algorithm to gain following. One of the greatest successes of this kind was Dylan, who just released her newest EP ‘No Romeo’.

Both the title track and two other tracks on the EP were Dylan’s huge launches via TikTok into the mainstream music industry. Artists like Dylan are so overlooked in the industry and so for TikTok to have given her as well as many of her industry peers this platform has allowed for this EP to do as well as it has commercially.

The title song, ‘No Romeo’ is a female-empowering anthem for the heartbroken. Written for a friend coming out of heartbreak it provides the necessary comfort and empowerment a woman who received very little from a relationship would need. It’s crowning glory is its bridge. First appearing in the second verse, it’s lyrics are used to strip the song back to its meaning: get off the floor, let’s have a good time etc., and it allows room for a perfect punchy final chorus. It sets the mood for the rest of the EP, as if future Dylan is telling past Dylan all this things before she explores her own heartbreak.

It makes sense then for the first of the two new tracks to be ‘Live Without It’. The song examines the difficult feeling between loving someone and being unsure of how good they are for you. ‘No Romeo’ was the simple solution, but here, Dylan wonders in her own case whether her own advice even works. It works really well with the next song, my personal favourite, ‘Somebody Else’. The song screams in desperation ‘why oh why’ someone could love anyone else but Dylan, and sonically it’s my absolute favourite and captures Dylan’s sound in a nutshell.

Next comes the second of two new ones, ‘Alone’; the most romantic song on the EP, among an EP of heartbreak. It’s a summer anthem, happiness and recklessness oozing through every beat and lyric. It’s incredibly catchy and it’s chorus will stick in your mind relentlessly.

‘You’re Not Harry Styles’ comes next and it’s probably Dylan’s most iconic anthem. It landed her on the TikTok map and just exudes her natural confidence and charisma. My favourite visuals of it are the live videos I’ve seen where she genuinely is so enthusiastic and passionate about it; you can see that oozing through in her now very iconic mini dance routine. Plus, the lyrics are so true… who really is quite like Harry Styles?

The EP ends on an older song, ‘Nineteen’, but it’s a genuinely beautiful song; lamenting on past treasured memories and the want and need to do it all again. It’s relatable at 19 and probably relatable for years to come when remembering that very first love.

Sonically, this EP boasts electric guitars, heavy bass and percussion and is the audible summary of the modern ‘men are trash’ anthem that resonate with a lot of people in heartbreak. From the live videos I’ve seen, it makes for an incredible live set and it’s definitely on to catch when she tours in November (if it’s not sold out by then!).

I genuinely love this EP so much and highly recommend it to those of you that miss that grunge type guitar and bass but with a completely feminist twist.

‘No Romeo EP’ is out now via Khaos Records. Watch the video for ‘You’re Not Harry Styles’ below:


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Third Year history student

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