Enter Shikari’s new single ‘The Paddington Frisk’ is an aggressively fast-paced tornado of a track. Honestly, if you blink you’ll miss it. The track stands at 1 minute 24 seconds, rivalling The Vaccines’ extremely short hit, ‘Wreckin Bar (Ra Ra Ra)’ in it’s length. However, the length plays to the song’s advantage; if I had to listen to three and a half minutes worth of a track that maintains such a fast pace throughout, I’m sure I would get pretty exhausted.
The odd music video looks like a Japanese television show merged with Rou’s floating face as the band thrash their instruments and perform a dance routine. The bracketing narrative in which they are showing this bizarre video to their manager demonstrates their self-awareness. Enter Shikari never cease to amaze me with their creativity and this latest feat is no different. The lyrics are laden with the sort of cynicism about society that we have come to expect from Rou and co. Overall, an okay track but it’s definitely not Enter Shikari at their best.