Joshua Bassett – ‘SHE SAID HE SAID SHE SAID’ single review: a punchy, near-perfect pop anthem


ANOTHER Joshua Bassett review? Safe to say he’s on a roll and honestly, after the drama of the last two years – good for him. SHE SAID HE SAID SHE SAID is the piece he needed to say 18 months ago when the spotlight was on him.

As I write this, there’s roughly aa two-hour countdown to yet another Josh song coming out, I‘m sorry – and I think these regular releases are just testament to how free Josh feels in speaking his mind, being honest about everything he’s endured and all the feelings he’s felt since his life was turned on its head in January 2021.

This last release feels much more stuck in the drama of the start of last year than the previous one – and honestly good for him. It felt like he didn’t really get to poke fun at the situation until now, he didn’t have time to breathe or have his say. Olivia had brutal to poke fun, Sabrina used because I liked a boy and so this is really his “I’ve said the serious stuff, now let me just say one thing about how ridiculous this is” It’s a lot less serious than Crisis/Secret/Set Me Free but does address a topic he wasn’t able to – the way the media completely turned his life into a soap opera because of the perpetuating narrative around people starting rumours and falsely accusing people of things they never did.

Sonically, it’s just great fun to dance around to, and it’s a confidence anthem for whoever it is in your life that’s just a bit of a nuisance. I am yet to drive my car with this song being out, but its definitely a perfect driving anthem, every punchy and an easy-to-vibe-at-the-traffic-lights bop (safely with the car in a secure position, of course)

Overall, I’m really pleased with the trajectory of these weekly releases, and I’m excited to see how I’m sorry comes out – there’s about 90 minutes to go from the time of writing this!

SHE SAID HE SAID SHE SAID is out now via Warner Records and you can watch the lyric video here:


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Third Year history student

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