The Good, The Bad, and the Review of Netflix’s ‘Uglies’ (2024)
Based on Scott Westerfeld’s 2005 young adult novel, Netflix’s adaptation of Uglies is relatively simple.…
Based on Scott Westerfeld’s 2005 young adult novel, Netflix’s adaptation of Uglies is relatively simple.…
Melody Mirin lists her top TV picks for halloween binge-watching
Holly Allwright wants ‘The Society’ to return!
Wondering what to wear this summer? Rosie Spurrier, Susanna Robertson-Sheath and Stella Lau have taken the opportunity to highlight some of their favourite TV summer styles!
It cannot be denied that many people have developed an increased interest in the British royal family and royal history since the debut of Netflix’s The Crown. While that series definitely is not a documentary, here are some which may be of interest if you wish to find out more about how rich royal history is in every sense of the word.
Our fave 80s legends are still producing great hits!
Rosie Spurrier discusses Bridgerton Season 2! (As released in 2022) Is it spicy? A flop? What about the upcoming Season 3?
“Democracy is so overrated” With not too much due respect to Frank Underwood, I disagree…
Does a sequel show mean a sequel legacy? Do reboots mean fresher franchises? Megan Eynon-Daly and Rhianna Saglani share their thoughts as to the effect, or lack of, that reboots, sequels, and spin-offs have on the originals.
Amy Scott-Munden, Ellie Griffiths and Susanna Robertson-Sheath discuss the saddest TV finales!
Harry Hipperson reviews Better Call Saul’s sixth and final season!
Almost saved by great performances from the likes of Ryan Gosling and Ana de Amas, ultimately the Russo Brothers newest outing isn’t quite kicker we hoped for.
The closing shot of The Searchers is the most famous and influential shot in the…
One of the great lies of Hollywood is that the Old West was white. The…